Rootsource Time capsules

Photographs which tell the story of who you are in what you do.

Of the heart and art of each individual working together to accomplish the company’s mission.

Rooted in the source of the founder’s drive to manifest a vision

and radiating in the silence of the present workspace.

To align with the essence of your company.

The Soul. The art and driving force on which your present-day company has been built.

The invisible value of your company’s visible value.

Rootsource Photography transcends mere snapshots; it represents a priceless investment in your company's heritage and essence — the very heart of your craftsmanship and creativity. Deepening the distinctive authenticity and soul of your company.

Through the lens of Rootsource photography.  

Detailed photos taken with a systemic and mystical perspective of what you do, radiating the authenticity that defines who you are as a company.


In a world of constant change and fleeting trends where authenticity is key, Rootsource Photography offers deep-rooted time capsules that are a priceless investment in your company to uphold and secure the fundamental values of your company for future generations to come and align with.

Serving as a foundation for inspiration and reference. For CEO’s and staff to foster and lead from the values of the soul. From marketing and advertising to office art, website/brand identity, employment recruitment, company profile portraits and social media content.

There are several capsules to choose from.

Ranging from Photographic Rootsource Books which can be given to commemorate farewells or anniversaries, to the Photographic Rootsource Alignment book. To foster and evolve your company into the future.

Have a look at the gallery and see which Photographic Rootsource Capsule can be of value to your company.

Antoine Clasen

Director Général Bernard Massard